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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Team WOD

Pre WOD/Skill Work
Row 1000 Meters

Mobility Work

WOD: Teams Of 2 Complete The Following
18 Rounds Of:
9 Wall Ball Shots 20# (14#)
5 Ring Dips
9 Kettle Bell Swings 1.5 (1 Pood)
5 Squat Cleans 75# (55#)

One person woks at a time while the other person holds a 45# (35#) barbell overhead. And then each person alternates until 18 rounds have been completed. So each person will do 9 rounds. If a person  holding the barbell sets the barbell down during a round, it is a 3 burpee penalty at the end of all 18 rounds per occurrence.

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